Quarter million use farm phone service

Self Help AfricaEnterprise Development, Featured, Malawi, News

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A mobile phone information service established by Self Help Africa in 2014 to provide timely information to rural poor farmers, has been used almost a quarter of a million times within its start. Launched in Malawi late last year, the ‘321’ voice activated service provides subscribers to the country’s largest mobile phone network with a suite of farm information services that they can access at the push of a button.

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Dialling in to phone initiative

Self Help AfricaMalawi, News

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There has been exceptionally strong take-up for a new mobile phone-based agriculture information system rolled out by Self Help Africa in Malawi. Launched just weeks ago, the system has to-date been accessed by over 85,000 unique phone users across the country.

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Phones spread farm information

Self Help AfricaMalawi, News

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Mobile phones are now being employed by Self help Africa in an innovative new project to spread farming information. For many years, Self Help Africa has helped farmers to access information on how they can improve their farming practices.

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