

Workshops at post-primary and primary schools

 Self Help Africa’s Development Education team can facilitate workshops at your school. Through the lens of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals to learn about Climate Action, Sustainable Agriculture, Gender Equality and Ethical Trade.

Workshops are free of charge as our programme is funded by Irish Aid.


To register your interest in booking a workshop, enter your details below and a member of our team will be in touch ASAP.

What is Development Education?

Development Education aims to empower the full participation of all citizens in world-wide poverty eradication, and the fight against inequality. It seeks to influence Irish civil society and government towards more just and sustainable economic, social, environmental, human rights based national and international policies.

What is Global Citizenship?

Global Citizenship recognises that people in different countries are increasingly connected to each other through trade, communication and the exchange of information. Global Citizenship also acknowledges the role which individuals play in the global issues of our times and aims to find solutions to human-made problems.


Contact Us

For more information on our development education programme, contact our coordinator Dorothy on [email protected]


Our Newsletter

Sign up to our newsletter for updates on our workshops, activities and events.

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Child Safeguarding

Self Help Africa is committed to safeguarding the wellbeing of children while they are participating in events run by or on behalf of Self Help Africa. Self Help Africa adheres to the requirements of the Children First Act 2015 (“CFA”) and the National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children, 2017 (“Children First Guidance, 2017”) developed by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and also requires those who run events on its behalf to do so.


Post-Primary Schools

Explore our student workshops, use the teacher tool kits and consider CPD training. Visit our programme work in Africa, host one of our educational photo exhibitions in your school.

In our interactive and participatory Global Citizenship Education workshops we examine issues relating to Sustainable Agriculture, Climate Justice, Gender Equality and Ethical Trade, featuring examples from our programmes in Africa.

Global Teachers

Find out more about workshops and download resources.

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Global Students

Learn how we can make a positive impact and create a better world

Find out more


Let us reach you through interactive workshops, use self guided practical activities which have a sharp focus on social justice, climate change and sustainability.

Engagements for students include workshops, practical activities, videos and quizzes in areas such as Digital Citizenship, Climate Action and featuring examples from our programmes in Africa. Learn how we can make a positive impact and create a better world.

More Trees Please!

Watch a video introducing our trees and climate change workshop.


Global Teachers

Find out more about workshops and download resources.

Find out more

Global Students

Learn how we can make a positive impact and create a better world.

Find out more

Science for Development

Enter a science project to win a the Science for Development travel bursary award at the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition. Join in Self Help Africa’s student project showcase, attend our 'Science for Development' webinar series.

Each year at the BTYSTE, the Irish Aid sponsored ‘Science for Development’ travel bursary award is presented; the winner travels to a Self Help Africa programme country. An annual showcase of selected student projects are exhibited in Iveagh House, a webinar series and ambassador programme create further opportunities for students and teachers to engage.

Science for Development

Self Help Africa runs the 'Science for Development' award at the BT Young Scientists event, in collaboration with Irish Aid.

Science for Development showcase 2023

The annual ‘Science for Development’ project showcase was hosted by Irish Aid in Iveagh House in March 2023.

Meet our Past Winners

Read about previous winners of the 'Science for Development' award here.

Higher Education

Workshops on global citizenship, short courses and more in-depth Social Justice modules for undergraduates, Masters of Education (PME) students, and CPD for staff.

Students in Ireland are increasingly engaging with global issues and we facilitate workshops for all Further and Higher Education disciplines. Focusing on active learning methodologies, global citizenship topics covered include Climate Justice, Gender Equality, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

For full course descriptors and tutor bio, contact [email protected]


Social Justice Module PME at Maynooth University

Watch a video for the Social Justice Module Professional Masters of Education, Maynooth University


Primary Schools

Our new primary school programme for 5th and 6th class pupils, ‘How to survive a charging elephant. Learning to live and work together.’has been devised using participative and collaborative learning approaches.
Our arts-based engagement supports the INTO promotion of Global Citizenship Schools and its commitment to the UN Global Goals 2030. Self Help Africa’s Development Education programme aims to afford pupils the opportunity to consider life in rural Africa, with all the complex economic and environmental challenges, all the while living with the needs and wants of the iconic African elephant.
For more information, contact [email protected]


Engage with us at Electric Picnic, National Ploughing Championships, Africa Day, celebrate International Womens Day, World Food Day.

Hug a Tree at EP


National Ploughing Championships - What farming means


What Does Africa Mean to You?
