Supporting Self Help Africa to end
hunger and poverty
Developing sustainable food systems and sustainable landscapes in drought-affected and food insecure districts.
SPEAR project promoting Sustainable Production, Economic growth, Accountability and Resilience.
Sustainable food for all, sustainable landscapes and resilient livelihoods.
Building regenerative and inclusive and sustainable food systems, and transforming smallholder dairy producers through promoting a climate-smart dairy value chain.
Promoting sustainable food systems through the Cassava Market Access project.
The Gambia
Integrating climate-adaptation and community resilience-building.
Strengthening the resiliences of vulnerable households affected by climate change and the security crisis.
working together with
Self Help Africa
At Self Help Africa, our vision is for sustainable livelihoods and healthy lives for all in a changing climate.
But we can’t achieve this on our own. Meaningful partnership is central to our approach. The work of Self Help Africa is made possible in large part thanks to backing received from Irish Aid. Together, we are lifting hundreds of thousands of rural poor farming families out of hunger, malnutrition and extreme poverty.
Irish Aid is the Irish Government's programme for overseas development. The work of Irish Aid is funded by Irish taxpayers through a proportion of Gross National Income (GNI) on Official Development Assistance (ODA). Irish Aid's work is guided by policies - including the Africa Strategy to 2025 - which put the fight against global hunger and poverty at the heart of Ireland's foreign policy.
This global fight is one that Self Help Africa are proud to be part of - reaching the furthest behind first in our work. Thanks to Irish Aid's support, we are working with hundreds of thousands of small-scale farmers to change the lives of their families.
In 2024, Irish Aid funding is supporting the implementation of ten projects in seven countries - Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia.
Irish Aid also enables Self Help Africa to implement a Development Education programme that reaches more than 100 post-primary schools, and is currently supporting teacher training, and introducing Development Education to the community and adult sectors.
EXAMPLES OF self help africa and irish aid WORKING TOGETHER:
Uganda: sustainable food
for all
Malawi: sUSTAINABLE pRODUCTION, Economic Growth, Accountability and Resilience (SPEAR)
- Communities, cooperatives, authorities and businesses working together to improve food and livelihood security for those vulnerable to climate change.Farmers in Dedza district have planted potatoes, soya, maize and beans in winter for the first time here thanks to a new irrigation system.
Zambia: Preserve Kafue
Transforming Smallholder Dairy Producers
Transforming smallholder dairy producers through the promotion of climate-smart dairy value chains.
This project supports an increase in dairy productivity through adoption of climate-smart practices, breed improvement, availability of timely extension services, and promotion of livestock businesses.
Self Help Africa is currently implementing dozens of development projects across Africa. Irish Aid is providing backing to 10 of these.
Below is a list of the African project countries where we are working in close collaboration with Irish Aid.
Ethiopia: Learn more about our projects here
Uganda: Learn more about our projects here
Kenya: Learn more about our projects here
Zambia: Learn more about our projects here
Malawi: Learn more about our projects here
The Gambia: Learn more about our projects here
Burkina Faso: Learn more about our projects here
For a full list of our development projects and a full-breakdown of the activities being supported by Irish Aid, read our most recent annual report.