Farm training pay off for Agnes

Self Help AfricaNews, Uganda

Agnes planting

When experienced farmer Agnes Katushabe (53) volunteered her farm as a demonstration site to promote the production of healthy and nutritious food crops, she didn’t anticipate the added benefits she would get from the experience.

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Goat scheme makes light of challenge

Self Help AfricaNews, Uganda

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Patrick Kakuru is looking forward to a time when the day no longer ends when the sun goes down.

Like 95% of rural Ugandans, he lives ‘off the grid’, with no access to mains electricity. However, support from a Self Help Africa project has made the future a little brighter.

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Children’s future motivates Emmanuel

Self Help AfricaNews, Uganda

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A club foot that makes it difficult to farm the steep mountain slopes of Bukimbiri district in Uganda is just one of the obstacles that 54-year old Emmanuel Ngororano has had to overcome in his life.

But he has succeeded in producing enough to keep his family fed, although he struggles to afford the ever-increasing costs of sending his children to school.

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Farming for the family

Self Help AfricaAgriculture & Nutrition, News, Uganda

Gastone and family

Scovia and Gastone Ndisasirwa are amongst thousands of Ugandans whose lives are being transformed by a scheme supporting the development of fruit and vegetable gardens as a means of improving household nutrition.

Young parents of two girls, their garden now looks as if it could stock a supermarket vegetable counter – with cabbage, amaranthus, papaya and tomato growing alongside pumpkin and other produce.

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Peace helps to bridge information gap

Self Help AfricaNews, Uganda

Peace phone

Just as mobile telephones have revolutionised the ways we communicate, phone technology is also playing a vital role in transforming the lives of farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. For them, the ability to check market prices, or find out at the touch of a button about plant diseases, or when they should sow, is bridging an information gap that has hindered productivity in rural Africa, for generations.

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Like mother, like daughter

Self Help AfricaNews, Uganda

Fulumina and Grace

As the leader of of a farmer’s group, 50-year-old potato farmer Fulumina has a lot to be proud about. Despite this achievement, what she is most proud of is her daughter, Grace.

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Female farmer leading by example

Self Help AfricaGender, News, Uganda

Samada Shop

As the elected leader of her local farmers’ group, 38-year-old Samada Masanda embodies the change she says is happening across her community. ‘Before, parents here didn’t bother to educate girls. But now they’ve seen that women can be leaders, so they educate all their children.’

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Strength in number for potato growers

Self Help AfricaCooperatives, News, Uganda

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A problem shared became a problem halved for potato farmer Pelegia Anybembeire when she joined a farmers group in Nyambale, Uganda. The 46 year old is now seeing her produce command a good price, and being sold to markets as far away as the capital Kampala thanks to the negotiating power that the group has, as a result of their collaboration.

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