A once thriving local industry that collapsed in the face of cheaper alternatives from the West and the Far East is experiencing a revival in Kenya, and thousands of farming households in Western Kenya are reaping the dividend.
Read MoreBringing Animal Health Services to Remotest Parts
Paves Vetagro is an animal health company that is bringing vital veterinary treatments and services to hard to reach communities in northern Kenya.
Read MoreAcacia Trees Create Income and Jobs in Kenya
Acacia trees are providing incomes and jobs for thousands of small scale farming households in remote parts of Kenya.
Read MoreAgriFI – Creating Jobs and Developing Markets
Investment of more than €6m has been awarded in match-funding to 12 Kenyan agri-businesses, in a programme to strengthen markets and create farming jobs.
Read MoreSupporting Nomadic Families Cope with Climate
Self Help Africa is teaming up with five other leading Irish overseas aid charities to support some of the world’s poorest communities to respond to the worsening coronavirus pandemic.
Read MoreIrish Emergency Alliance combatting coronavirus
Self Help Africa is teaming up with five other leading Irish overseas aid charities to support some of the world’s poorest communities to respond to the worsening coronavirus pandemic.
Read MoreSecuring Markets in a Time of Lockdown
A womens group in southern Malawi has invested in bikes to help them to trade.
Read MoreResponding to East Africa’s Locust Invasion
Self Help Africa is involved in a three-way response to the locust crisis in East Africa, together with UN and government agencies
Read MoreSupporting root crop production in Kenya
Self Help Africa is playing a lead role in a major national campaign to promote greater household consumption and farm production of a number of ‘poor man’s crops’ in Kenya.
Read MoreGorta Legacy in Kenya
The merger of Gorta and Self Help Africa in 2014 was inspired by the conviction that we could achieve more by working together. For decades, the two organisations had done similar work in similar locations. By teaming up, we believed that we could reduce costs, increase impact, and do more … Read More
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