Female farmer leading by example

Self Help AfricaGender, News, Uganda

Samada Shop

As the elected leader of her local farmers’ group, 38-year-old Samada Masanda embodies the change she says is happening across her community. ‘Before, parents here didn’t bother to educate girls. But now they’ve seen that women can be leaders, so they educate all their children.’

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International women’s day for Africa

Self Help AfricaGender, News

IWD 650

International Women’s Day takes place on Sunday, 8th March next, and to mark the occasion we’re inviting friends and supporters to join us in celebrating Africa’s hard-working women farmers. We’d love you to mark the occasion by hosting a Coffee Morning, large or small, to support our work with African women.

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16 days of activism on gender

Self Help AfricaGender, News

16DaysofActivism Lucia

A series of pictures and stories of Malawian women who are working with four Irish international organisations in the country are the subject of “16 Days of Activism” on gender equality which was launched recently in the southern African country. This exhibition offers a glimpse of some of the gender work of being undertaken by Self Help Africa and by three other development organisations – Concern Worldwide, Goal and; Trócaire in Malawi in recent years.

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Fish Farming in Zambia

Self Help AfricaGender, Zambia


“We knew we wanted to do something to improve our lives. We just didn’t know what we could do.” Agnes Ngosa sits in the shade of a banyan tree in Buyantashi village, on the shores of Lake Kariba in southern Zambia. “None of us farm here – the men fish, … Read More

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Lillian Siamonza – Zambian lead farmer

Self Help AfricaGender, Zambia


When 22-year old Clifford Siamatika completed high school two years ago, it was an important milestone for his proud mother Lillian. “I want all of my children to finish school,” she says. “Clifford graduated, his brother Ivan will finish in 2014, and their sister will follow in a few years.” … Read More

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