our work

in uganda

Self Help Africa has been implementing agriculture and rural development projects in Uganda for close to 20 years.

Full Name: Republic of Uganda
44.27 million (World Bank, 2018)
Population Growth (Yearly): 3.28%
Capital: Kampala
241,038 SQ KM (93,065 SQ Miles)
Major Languages:
English (Official), Swahili (Official), Luganda, Various Bantu Languages
Major Religions:
Christianity, Islam

We work with and through local community-based organisations, government agencies, international NGOs, private sector partners and emerging social enterprises in Uganda.

These diverse partners all have huge potential in addressing the country’s hunger and poverty. We believe that the most effective role that we can play is in facilitating partnerships that will bring them together to serve the needs of underdeveloped rural communities.

We aim to be a catalyst, developing collaborative approaches to meet specific local needs through effective, integrated and sustainable solutions.

In this way, initiatives can continue without our support and have the potential to grow. Our programmes link with the national agricultural strategies produced under the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) Development Strategy and Investment Plan.

Building Livelihoods and Resilience in Napak (BUILD)

Objective: The project aims to improve food security, build resilience, improve access to markets and finance, and strengthen gender equality for 4,500 people in Karamoja sub-region in northeast Uganda.

The project will help address the food security crisis in Napak district in Karamoja sub-region by improving smallholder farmer production and building multidimensional resilience within project communities. The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the resilience of smallholder farmers, women, and youth through improved food security and climate adaptation for sustainable development.

4,500 beneficiaries 

Growing Resilience and Eco-Enterprises (GREEN) Project around Lake Bunyoni Sub-Catchment 

Objective: The project has been designed to contribute to the sustainable development of the Lake Bunyonyi Sub-catchment. The overall objective of the project is to achieve: enhanced resilience of smallholder farmers, women, and youth in the green economy around Lake Bunyonyi Sub Catchment.

The proposed project will build on SHA’s previous work in the region, focusing on increasing the capacity of local communities to practice effective and sustainable natural resource management (NRM), increasing agricultural production for food and nutrition security, and increased financial inclusion and green economic growth for local communities.

The project will also focus strongly on promoting inclusion and gender equality. The overall objective of the project is to achieve: enhanced resilience of smallholder farmers, women, and youth in the green economy around Lake Bunyonyi Sub Catchment.

4,500 beneficiaries

Sustainable Food for All (SUF4A)

Objective: Improved access to and consumption of sustainable, diverse and nutritious food among low-income farming households.

Sustainable Food for All (SUF4A) project is an entirely new project that will be implemented in Magoro Sub-County in Katakwi District, Teso sub-region in Eastern Uganda and in the refugee settlements and host-communities of Adjumani district, in Northern Uganda.

Agriculture is the main livelihood source for over 70 percent of Uganda’s population (UBOS 2021). The project will support 2,000 low-income households: 1,000 from Adjumani and 1,000 from Katakwi districts. The project will specifically target vulnerable groups: refugees, Persons with disabilities, and women.

2,000 households (1,000 in Adjumani and 1,000 in Katakwi)

40% male; 60% female 20% refugees in Adjumani 10% youth


Objective: The results of this project will lead to increased green jobs, increased land restored for agriculture, improved resilience of the communities and improved health and hygiene of the lake.

The Building Sustainable Landscapes for Resilient Livelihoods project is designed to scale up existing interventions around the Lake Bunyonyi sub-catchment area and new areas faced with climate change and environmental challenges.

The overall goal of the project is to build inclusive and equitable landscape management systems that promote sustainable ecosystem services and resilient livelihoods for communities in the Kigezi region - through the implementation of the recommendations from the Sub Catchment Management plan and scaling up interventions aimed at restoring land for provision of environmental services, creating green jobs and increased food systems.

4000 direct beneficiaries 24,000 indirect beneficiaries


Objective: The aim of this project is to contribute to resilient and diversified livelihoods for smallholder farmers, especially women (at least 60% of total reached).

Rates of unemployment and informal, precarious employment are higher in the refugee contexts than in the rest of the country and have risen because of COVID-19. Data from UNHCR show that Adjumani hosts a total of 243,297 refugees and Kiryandongo hosts a total 75,090 refugees. Agriculture is the key to creating jobs and improving incomes for these communities and this project seeks to address some of the constraining factors which have prevented the growth of this sector and the active participation of young people, women, and refugees.

SHA began this programme in 2018 and this is the fourth phase covering the period January 2022 to August 2023. In this phase, SHA will be targeting nearly 6,000 smallholder farmers in Adjumani and Kiryandongo, including some farmers who have been part of the project from its earliest years. This phase will place particular emphasis on addressing youth unemployment with activities designed to improve access to credit, financial services and markets, link qualified young people to internships, apprentices, and jobs, and provide training in entrepreneurship and related skills to enable ambitious youths to start their own businesses.

5,992 Households

At least 60% women, 40% youths, 30% refugees and 5% people with disabilities


Objective: Capacity building and business development services to 433 Refugee and 367 Host-community households for their improved and diversified food and nutrition security . Income and resilient livelihoods as well as mapping, registration and verification of 500 refugees and 500 host community beneficiary households involved in green banana, sesame, jack fruits, cassava, and sweet potatoes production in Kiryandongo.

By increasing knowledge and capacity among refugees and host communities to engage in market oriented sustainable agricultural production, agro-processing and agribusiness and increased knowledge and availability of community-based infrastructure for climate sensitive agriculture and water management, the projects will support the improvement and diversification of food and nutrition security, income and livelihoods and economic integration into agro-processing value chains to refugees and host community leading to self-reliance and resilience.

433 refugees 367 host-community households


Self Help Africa
Kalamu House
3rd Floor, Wing B, Plot 1B, Kira Road
P.O. Box 34429

Tel: +256 414 286 305
Email: [email protected]