Supporting enterprise in Africa

Self Help AfricaNews

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Helping rural African farming communities to earn more from their work is central to  Self Help Africa. It’s at the heart of what a recently created subsidiary, Partner Africa, does too.

A pioneering social enterprise established to enable African farm businesses, flower growers and others to access new markets, Partner Africa also supports businesses to  earn more from their work.

With a team of over 100 auditors, trainers, consultants and other staff in more than 40 countries,  the company provides consultancy services that are designed to enable African firms to access new Western markets, delivers training so that firms meet necessary trade standards, and supports African businesses to achieve Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance and other certification, so that producers can earn an added premium for their goods.

A not-for-profit business enterprise that reinvests all of it’s profits in the rural development programmes of Self Help Africa, Partner Africa also provides auditing and assessment services for Western firms wishing to source goods and do business in Africa. ‘

We carry out audits on behalf of a broad range of well known international brands, and help African firms to meet the standards required by buyers in the West,’ explains Director Laura Ladipo, who runs the firm from its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. To find out more about Partner Africa visit: .