The Elephant
in the room

Thanks for your interest in learning more about our Electric Picnic Elephant! Elephants have many symbolic meanings, and here are a few things to have a think about:

* You've probably heard of the saying 'an elephant in the room' - those difficult questions and topics that we usually prefer to brush to one side.

Climate change is one example of an 'elephant in the room.' The climate crisis can't be swept under the carpet any longer - it is here now, and we need climate action now.

* Another saying is the 'White Elephant' - something that is useless, but also expensive to run - can you think of any examples here?

* It's said that 'elephants never forget' - a reminder of the pain and discrimination that is unfortunately entrenched in our societies

Below, you will find some more info on Climate Change: The Elephant in the Room:

The Elephant In The Room

The global climate emergency is hitting Africa’s poorest, hardest. Increased heating, unpredictable rainfall and extreme weather events are making it harder for rural poor farming families to produce the food that they need.

For 50 years, Self Help Africa has been supporting smallholder farmers to grow more food, and earn an income from that food.

Let's talk about the elephant in the room

The global climate emergency is hitting Africa’s poorest, hardest. Increased heating, unpredictable rainfall and extreme weather events are making it harder for rural poor farming families to produce the food that they need.

For 50 years, Self Help Africa has been supporting smallholder farmers to grow more food, and earn an income from that food.

Most of these families don’t use electricity, cars or machine tools. They are among the smallest contributors of carbon emissions, but among the worst affected by their consequences.

An essential part of what we do is working with farming households, so that they can adapt to and mitigate the effects of global warming, and can produce enough food and earn a living from their land.

We provide training and technical support to farmers to help them tackle climate change. In our work we also support a range of ‘smart’ farming methods that help by nourishing the soil, conserving moisture, harvesting water and using available water resources in the most efficient way possible.

We also assist farming households across sub-Saharan Africa by:

For more on our climate mitigation efforts, and our work in general, sign up for our email updates.
