Supporting Enterprise in Ethiopia

Self Help AfricaEthiopia, News


When Mestawet Negash separated from her husband three years ago, it was necessary for her to start earning money to support her young family. She recently joined the new savings and credit co-operative (SACCO), established by Self Help Africa at Alem Tena, and took out a loan with which to … Read More

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Save, Borrow, Thrive…The Ethiopian Way

Self Help AfricaEthiopia, Microfinance, News

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Western economies are still trying to recover from the credit crisis of 2007/08. A mountain of debt accumulated by runaway banks and inflated property deals almost overwhelmed the entire banking system. 6 years later and western taxpayers are still picking up the tab with huge outstanding bills. Imagine now a … Read More

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Empowerment, the Catalyst for Change

Self Help AfricaEthiopia, News


Birtukan Shura already had her hands full. As a young mother with 3 children, 2 girls aged 5 and 1 and a 3 year old toddler, life was already very busy for her and her husband Ashu. But when the opportunity came for her to take part in a Self … Read More

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Almaz: Carer, Provider, Entrepreneur

Self Help AfricaEthiopia, News

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Almaz Tadsaa stands in her one and half hectare field of malt barley in the Oromia region of Ethiopia…Demand for the crop has been growing locally, including from a malting factory which is not too far away, further down the valley. With funding from Irish Aid, Self Help Africa is … Read More

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