Quarter million use farm phone service

Self Help AfricaEnterprise Development, Featured, Malawi, News

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A mobile phone information service established by Self Help Africa in 2014 to provide timely information to rural poor farmers, has been used almost a quarter of a million times within its start. Launched in Malawi late last year, the ‘321’ voice activated service provides subscribers to the country’s largest mobile phone network with a suite of farm information services that they can access at the push of a button.

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Sun dried added value in Zambia

Self Help AfricaEnterprise Development, Zambia


A sun-dried vegetable project is providing the springboard for a Zambian women’s group to support new enterprise development for their members.

Members of the 20-strong self-help group in Lushoma, Zambia, have seen their incomes increase, and have begun to save part of their increased earnings to set up a savings programme, and provide loan support to individual members to develop alternate new business opportunities.

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The bottom line (read more)

Self Help AfricaEnterprise Development

the bottom line, A letter from our CEO As we approach the 30th anniversary of the foundation of Self Help Africa by some remarkably visionary people, I am happy to be able to report that 2013 has been our most successful ever year. Our programmes are reaching more families across … Read More

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Farming as a business (read more)

Self Help AfricaEnterprise Development

Farming as a Business At the core of our approach to rural enterprise development is support to farmer-led organisations, including cooperatives and producer groups to create profitable business. Self Help Africa provides training so that smallholder farmers have a better understanding of costs and markets and assist them to work … Read More

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