In the wake of the devastation of Cyclone Idai, Self Help Africa is providing basic food and non food items to families in southern Malawi.
Read MoreCassava farmers to get business advice
Cassava businesses are to receive mentoring and skills training in a wide range of areas, to improve the productivity and profitability of the crop in the country.
Read MoreEU funding providing drinking water access for 5,000 in Togo
In Naki Est, northern Togo, more than 25% of the population doesn’t have access to drinking water. But a recent Self Help Africa project has changed all of that, facilitating the construction of six new boreholes in the region, including one in Nadjoungou village.
Read MoreImproving School Meals in Zambia
Project aims to improve vegetable production and school meals for children in Zambia
Read MoreAfrican Women – The Engine to End Poverty
Join us in celebrating Africa’s women farmers this International Women’s Day.
Read MoreA BETTER life for Alice
Since joining a village savings and loans group (VSLA), Alice used a small loan to build a piggery and buy a breeding sow that soon provided her with five piglets that she could fatten and sell.
Read MoreSingle mum becomes a businesswoman
Single mum Jescah learned how to grow cassava commercially, and is now earning her own income for the first time in her life.
Read MoreKenya agri-business call gets huge response
Close to 200 agri-businesses responded to the first funding call issued by a new project seeking to create profitable new markets for over 100,000 rural poor farming families in Kenya.
Read MoreUlster and Ireland’s Rob Herring hooks up with Self Help Africa
Ulster rugby star Rob Herring has become Self Help Africa’s first Northern Ireland ambassador.
Read MoreRefugee mum gets fresh start
A refugee for half her life, young mum Janet has created a small business in her refugee camp, transforming the life of her children.
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