Strength in number for potato growers

Self Help AfricaCooperatives, News, Uganda

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A problem shared became a problem halved for potato farmer Pelegia Anybembeire when she joined a farmers group in Nyambale, Uganda. The 46 year old is now seeing her produce command a good price, and being sold to markets as far away as the capital Kampala thanks to the negotiating power that the group has, as a result of their collaboration.

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Christine’s shining sunflower success

Self Help AfricaCooperatives, News

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For 63 year old widow Christine Chipeta from Sendela village in Zambia’s Eastern Province, the ten acres farm she inherited from her husband was too difficult to cultivate with the hand tools she had available. Until she became involved with a Self Help Africa backed project she estimates that she was only using as little as 10% of her land to plant food.

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Working together, building cooperatives

Self Help AfricaCooperatives, Uncategorised

In management-speak, the acronym TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Africa, where individual smallholder farmers struggle to earn a viable living from the land. Joining up as teams, they become a vast alliance in the fight against hunger and poverty. A key part of … Read More

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