Our Work
In Burkina Faso
Living in arid regions on the edge of the Sahara desert, farmers in West Africa are on the front line in the fight against climate change.
Projects in Burkina Faso are implemented through local partners, with the focus on adding value to farm production and creating links between small-scale agricultural producers and private sector companies. Because of the hot, dry climate and unpredictable weather patterns of the region, there is a particular emphasis on promoting farming approaches that are ‘climate smart’, and enabling farming communities to diversify their production.
Full name: Burkina Faso
Population: 23,251,485
Population Growth: 2.55%
Capital: Ouagadougou
Area: 520 km²
Major Languages: French, Mossi
Major Religions: Islam, Christianity
Burkina Faso Projects
Objective: The project aims to provide a sustainable solution to the problems related to unemployment for young people and women (both local and IDPs) either as independent workers or salaried workers in new and viable businesses with the local jobs market; this includes young people and women who have been trained in professional training centres or local associations.
The main activities that SHA will ensure in collaboration with the local professional training centers include activities to strengthen the technical and professional skills of young people and women (Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and host populations) in the professions of agri-food processing; production of organic fertilizers; animal production (including poultry, pigs, small ruminants and rabbits); the establishment, maintenance and management of plant nurseries; the processing of non-lignified wood products; and solar energy.
1,170 direct beneficiaries (number readjusted now Aug. 2024 in line with donor ENABEL recommendation)
Project to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable households affected by climate change and the security crisis in Burkina Faso
Objective: The ultimate objective is the self-satisfaction of household food needs and obtaining income through the sale of production surpluses and products resulting from agricultural diversification, good nutritional practices. More generally, the project aims to strengthen the resilience of these households while effectively combating climate change.
The project to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable households affected by climate change and the security crisis in Burkina Faso, funded by Irish Aid, is working with almost 13,000 households in Burkina Faso. The aim is to improve household food security, by working with families to increase their incomes.
This will be achieved through the sale of production surpluses and products resulting from agricultural diversification and the adoption of good nutritional practices. More generally, the project will also seek to strengthen the resilience of these households to the impacts of climate change.
These project aims were developed to address two main challenges: The first challenge is land degradation. Essential for agricultural production, land degradation has been made worse by human actions and climate change. This presents a huge threat to food and nutrition security. The second challenge is to work together with internally displaced persons, so that they are able to live with dignity after fleeing conflict, and being forced to abandon their livelihood source, including crops and animals.
To address these challenges, Self Help Africa and Irish Aid will work together to both increase the resilience of households to the worst impacts of climate change, and to support the reconstruction of livelihoods for internally displaced persons.
Beneficiaries: 2,265 direct/ households, 22,650 indirect
Sustainable intensification of food production through resilient farming systems in West & North Africa (SustIn Africa)
Objective: To empower West and North African smallholder farmers, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and national associations and influencing governments and inter-governmental organisations to successfully intensify food production in a self-sufficient, sustainable and resilient manner.
SustIn Africa is a research project empowering West and North African smallholder farmers, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to facilitate the sustainable intensification of food production through resilient farming systems in West and North Africa. The aim is to develop a reference framework on best agricultural practices and technologies, to be used and replicated beyond the project’s duration.
SustIn Africa is a consortium of 16 organisations from 11 countries. The five year project, funded by the EU Horizon Research and Innovation Programme, started in 2020.
Collaboration is central to the SustIn Africa approach. Self Help Africa and other consortium partners will input into other relevant ongoing projects, sharing knowledge, expertise, approaches, methodologies, and results.
The links between ecosystems, agronomic practices, societal drivers and the welfare of smallholder farmers and communities is a crucial aspect of the SustIn Africa project. A participatory, collaborative approach ensures inclusiveness, to help empower smallholder farmers, especially women and youths, as well as SMEs.
SustIn Africa also connects smallholders to SMEs and establishes networks with other relevant partners including soil associations and farmers’ unions, and strengthens the preparation of policy recommendations for informing policymakers on best practices.
West Africa Regional Office
12 B .P. 418 Ouagadougou 12,
Burkina Faso
Tel. +226 25-37-57-45
Email: westafrica@selfhelpafrica.org