A Couple of Model Farmers

Self Help AfricaCase Study, Malawi


Farmers Laurence and Margaret Malikita are an inspiration to their friends and neighbours in Libwalo village, in Malawi’s Nsondole Project area, outside Zomba. They are members of the Libwalo Village Farmers Club established by Self Help in the late 1990’s to promote improved irrigation and farming practices in the community. Laurence … Read More

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Almaz: Carer, Provider, Entrepreneur

Self Help AfricaCase Study, Ethiopia

almaz tadsaa940

Almaz Tadsaa stands in her one and half hectare field of malt barley in the Oromia region of Ethiopia…Demand for the crop has been growing locally, including from a malting factory which is not too far away, further down the valley. With funding from Irish Aid, Self Help Africa is … Read More

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Market Gardening in Burkina Faso

Self Help AfricaCase Study, West Africa


Villagers in Dassui are so pleased with the market gardening project that they started in early 2009, that they already want to extend the project, and bring more of their neighbours into the scheme. 41 villagers are members of the ‘Wenden Kondo’ (‘God Will Provide) group, and have produced harvests … Read More

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Poverty reduction in Northern Ghana through sustainable agriculture interventions and enterprise development

Self Help AfricaCase Study, West Africa

A project that seeks to build climate change resilience amongst small-holder farming communities is being implemented by local partners TRAX-Ghana. Work is taking place in the Dachio and Pelunga areas of Upper East Region, and Mozio and Pagnatik Zones in Northern Ghana. The project aims to build the resilience of … Read More

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