SELF HELP AFRICA SUPPORTER SURVEYWe'd love for you to take a few minutes to answer a few brief questions for our survey. Tell us a little about yourself (optional) I’m aged:15-3031-4546-6465+ I live in a... Rural Area Town/City What do you do?I’m a studentI work in the homeI'm employed/self employed (full or part time)I don't workRetiredOther My gender is Female Male Prefer to self describe Survey Questions Q1. Can you recall where you heard about Self Help Africa for the first time?Article or interview in print/radio/TVWebsite or social mediaThrough a member of staffAttended an eventThrough Church or Community GroupWord of Mouth (via family/friends)I supported Gorta in the pastOther (please state):I heard about Self Help Africa from... Q2: Whether you are a donor, a volunteer, or simply read our emails – we consider you our friend & supporter! Can you let us know the way(s) in which you choose to support Self Help Africa. (tick all that apply) With a regular donation (e.g. Direct Debit) I attended an event Bought Lifetime Gifts at Christmas Bought trees as part of the One Million Trees campaign Donated to an appeal I took part in or hosted a fundraiser I get your emails and / or follow you on social media I have not made a donation to Self Help Africa yet Other (please specify) How I support Self Help Africa: Q3. In your opinion which are the greatest challenges facing vulnerable rural communities in Africa?(tick all that apply) Food Scarcity and Malnutrition Climate Change Gender Equality Access to clean water & sanitation Access to education Other (please specify) The greatest challenges facing vulnerable rural communities in Africa: Q4: What part of Self Help Africa's work do you find most interesting, and would like to know more about?(tick all that apply) Individual success stories – how farmers build brighter futures for their families and communities The ways communities are coping with and combatting climate change How business growth is providing markets and jobs for vulnerable rural families Stories on African women and their efforts to combat poverty and gender inequality Other (please specify) I would like to know about: Q5: We like to give you updates on the impact of your donations in those communities you support. Can you let us know the different ways you like us to stay in touch?(tick all that apply) Through social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) With email updates With letters and printed newsletters I am happy to donate without receiving updates Q6: Although volunteering, and attending events are limited right now - these are some ways people choose to support Self Help Africa's work. Please let us know if you would like to get involved in: A virtual event (quiz night, webinars, talks etc) A challenge (runs, walks etc) Host your own fundraiser Make us a charity partner Attend an event (ball, lunch etc) Volunteering Other (please specify) (tick all that apply)I would like to get involved in: Q7: Self Help Africa is extremely fortunate to be the recipient of Legacy Gifts (gifts left by people in their Wills). If this is something you would consider, we can send you relevant information. Yes. I would like to know more about this. Please send me more information. I intend to include a gift for Self Help Africa in my Will I prefer not to answer Thank you