Self Help AfricaUncategorised

Agri-businesses involved in the production and processing of coconut, sorghum, soya, mango and dairy were amongst the recipients of over €4.1m in business expansion support, in Nairobi recently. The businesses joined the manufacturers of solar powered irrigation systems, providers of agri-transport leasing and the producers of bio-fertilisers, to receive grant … Read More

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2016: your support in pictures

Self Help AfricaNews, Uncategorised

2016 was an incredible year for Self Help Africa, our supporters and the people we work with. During the past 12 months, we invested more funds, undertook more work, and reached more people than at any point in our long history: this year, we reached nearly 1.8 million people in nine … Read More

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Fuel Efficient Mud Stoves

Self Help AfricaUncategorised


The members of Malagu village womens group don’t make money from the mud stoves that they manufacture and the demonstration workshops they hold in neighbouring villages.But they do pass on the equipment and knowledge in exchange for grain, and sometimes poultry, says Yatouti Sinhari of Self Help Africa’s local partners … Read More

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Impact in Kenya (read more)

Self Help AfricaUncategorised

Findings from our projects indicate increases in production of up to 170% for small-holder famers with consequent increases in household income from sales. Planting approximately ¼ acre of amaranth is estimated to cost the farmers around KES 5,000. (£36). This plot can yield more than 250 kg of amaranth valued … Read More

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