our work
in West Africa
West Africa overview
Living in arid regions on the edge of the Sahara desert, farmers in West Africa are on the front line in the fight against climate change.
Self Help Africa’s West Africa country programme operates across three countries – Burkina Faso and Togo, with the regional office based in Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso and a country office in Dapaong, Togo. Projects are implemented through local partners, with the focus on adding value to farm production and creating linkages to private sector opportunities for
small-scale agricultural producers.
Because of the hot, dry climate and unpredictable weather patterns of the region, there is a particular emphasis on promoting farming approaches that are ‘climate smart’, and enabling farming communities to diversify their production.

Burkina Faso
Population: 19.8M / Population Growth: 2.91%
Capital: Ouagadougou / Area: 274,200 SQ KM
Togolese Republic
Population: 7.99M /Population Growth: 2.48%
Capital: Lome / Area: 56,785 SQ KM
West Africa Major Languages: French, English, Native Languages
West Africa Major Religions: Christianity, Islam, Native Beliefs
WEST AFRICA projects
West Africa Regional Office
12 B .P. 418 Ouagadougou 12,
Burkina Faso
Tel. +226 25-37-57-45
Email: [email protected]