Support to SMEs

Through comprehensive technical and financial support, GREEN Tech4CE will drive innovation, create employment opportunities, and facilitate economic diversification. The project aims to promote sustainable practices by supporting the development of start-ups and MSMEs within the green, circular economy and digital sectors and want to green or make circular their business models. There will be opportunities for: 

  • Start-ups
  • Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises 
  • Business Development Service Providers
  • Fintech, local venture capital, impact investment entities


      Each call may have a number of windows within it. These are initially envisaged as:  

      1. Sustainable Production in Critical Minerals (value addition along the minerals value chains including traceability), 
      2. Circular economy (waste recycling, industrial symbiosis, circular business models, reuse of end-of-life products, with emphasis on areas identified in Circular Economy Market Study) including services related to CE, 
      3. Greening Manufacturing Processes, 
      4. Technology and digital. Additional potential windows may be identified during implementation. SMEs will be awarded grants via a competitive process. 

            CALL 1 IS NOW CLOSED!

            Below is a list of useful documents;

            Call 1- Guidelines for Medium Enterprises

            Call 1- Frequently Asked Questions

            GREENTech4CE Call 1 Application Guiding Notes

            Call 1 Application Process Calendar Activities

            Register for the call 1 information sessions on the following dates;

            3rd December at 14:30 hours CAT

            6th December at 10:30 hours CAT

            9th December at 14:30 hours CAT

            11th December at 10:30 hours CAT

            If you missed the live information session for call 1, please access the recording here.

            Further Calls will be launched in 2025 following review of the initial round of awards.  


            In an effort to stimulate innovation and continuous learning, GREENTech4CE will be looking to support initiatives aimed at bringing awareness to issues on environmental sustainability, technological advancements and cutting-edge technological innovations and solutions generation.
            To this effect, the project will provide support to institutions that design and operate incubators that recognise champions in these fields through sponsorship of awards and prizes and provision of technical assistance through participation on evaluation committees of such initiatives with a special focus on women and youth.

            For more information email: [email protected]