The project aims to promote sustainable practices by supporting the development of start-ups and MSMEs within the green, circular economy and digital sectors and want to green or make circular their business models. Through comprehensive technical and financial support, GREEN Tech4CE will drive innovation, create employment opportunities, and facilitate economic diversification. This project operates under the broader Green Economy Promotion and Diversification (GEPD) Programme, which seeks to address Zambia’s economic vulnerabilities and environmental challenges. Together, these initiatives strive to build a resilient and sustainable future for Zambia.
Impact at a Glance
Financial SUPPORT:
Million EurosSupporting:
start-ups and Micro-enterprisesduration:
(2024 – 2028)Economic Growth and Market Access
start-ups & 250 SMEsJob Creation
Full-Time Equivalent JobsSKILLS AND CAPACITIES:
individuals from MSMEs complete training OUR PARTNERS
This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by Self Help Africa with support from Imani Development (International) Ltd, Prospero Zambia Ltd and Tandem Circular Consulting Ltd, with the kind co-operation of the Government of Zambia.