magnifying our impact
A merger of Self Help Africa
(SHA) with United Purpose
(UP) in summer 2021
significantly extended the
organisation’s reach and
capacity to deliver poverty eradication programmes.

Impact Snapshot

people reached with COVID-19 prevention messages

people with access to safe water

people supported with emergency relief
Emergency cash/food distribution, or helped to prepare for disasters

people use fuel-efficient stoves and/or cleaner fuels
expanding into new frontiers
Self Help Africa’s merger with United Purpose has added nine countries to the organisation’s portfolio, extending its reach to Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mozambique, Nigeria and Senegal.
Like Self Help Africa, United Purpose is dedicated to helping communities move beyond aid with its focus sharply on ensuring all programmes support greater gender equality, are sustainable and climate-smart. We are excited to see what we can achieve together in the years ahead.