Responding to the pandemic
The growing climate crisis continued to wreack havoc in 2021.
Our response
Working with our local teams, partners, government ministries and UN agencies, Self Help Africa supported efforts to disseminate information and promote safety measures to curb the pandemic in the countries where we work.
Covid-19-related awareness-raising was embedded into our programme activities, while handwashing, sanitising facilities and masks were distributed to our staff, partners and smallholders. Mobile phone services were also used to disseminate information on Covid-19 prevention measures.
In Kenya and Uganda, we supported farmers and agricultural cooperatives to overcome market disruptions by securing new markets for their crops during lockdown. While in Malawi, Self Help Africa distributed information leaflets, soap, jerry cans and other vital equipment.
Self Help Africa has worked to protect vulnerable communities during this pandemic
the Irish Emergency Alliance (IEA)
RAISED IN the first
appeal of
Self Help Africa is a founder member of the Irish Emergency Alliance (IEA) – which in September launched its inaugural appeal in response to the pandemic amongst vulnerable populations.
More than €300,000 was raised by the IEA’s first appeal
Self Help Africa used funds to purchase and distribute masks, soap and information, together with food and other assistance to affected communities in northern Kenya.