Q-4439: Provision of End of Project Evaluation

jobsTenders, Uganda

Self Help Africa (SHA) is an Irish-based, International Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) implementing rural development, sustainable livelihoods, and food security programs in nine countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Uganda, SHA has been operational since 1989, implementing various programs across all regions of the country.

Project Background

Self Help Africa in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and with funding support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Uganda has been implementing a project in Kiryandongo refugee hosting districts. The project is being implemented in 6 clusters (G, C, D, I, J, P) in Kiryandongo refugee settlement for the refugee households and 3 sub-counties of Mutunda, Nyamahasa, and Kigumba respectively for the host communities. The project intends to strengthen the capacity of 433 refugee and 367 host community households to engage in market-oriented production of passion fruits and food crops to improve food and nutrition security, income, and livelihood.

Using the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach, the target households were trained on good agricultural practices in the selected value chains to boost their productivity and quality of produce. The training was complemented with the provision of agricultural inputs such as quality staple crops and vegetable seeds, grafted passion fruit seedlings, and basic farm tools using an electronic voucher scheme to enhance production. Furthermore, selected farmer groups were supported to access water for production infrastructures and trained on the use and management of these systems through the establishment of water user committees to promote climate-sensitive agricultural production. Following the start of the inception phase in January 2023, a baseline survey was undertaken in March 2023, thus an endline survey is being planned between September to October 2024.

The objective of the impact evaluation is to provide the necessary information to assess the extent to which the project intervention was effective in building self-reliance and resilience among the target households.   

Objective of the study

The main objective of the end-line survey is to evaluate the project’s impacts in the district on the targeted refugee and host community households.

The specific objective of the study

  • To measure the project’s impact on the project beneficiary’s household income levels and food security status.
  • To identify best practices, lessons learned, and areas for improvement for future project implementation.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of the project intervention in enhancing beneficiaries’ food availability, access, utilization, and stability.
  • To determine the sustainability of the project outcome and benefits beyond the project lifespan

Required expertise and qualifications.

The consultant must demonstrate:

  • Extensive experience in evaluation, including the designing and leading of evaluations with at least 10 years of experience in evaluating in similar fields.
  • Strong analytical and writing skills and knowledge of qualitative and quantitative evaluation methodologies.
  • Experience in evaluating UN-funded projects in the refugee hosting districts in Uganda.

At least a master’s degree in statistics, M&E, economics, agricultural economics, and in any other related university degree.

The TOR can be downloaded here.

Deadline:  Applicants must return their financial and technical proposals to the following email address: [email protected]. Submissions must be received by Thursday 19th September 2024.

OUR POLICY:  Self Help Africa does not ask for or accept money for bids.  If approached for money or other favours, or if you have any suspicions of attempted fraud, bribery or corruption while tendering, please report immediately at selfhelpafrica.ethicspoint.com Please provide as much detail as possible with any reports.  Further information on Confidential Reporting is available here.